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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Capturing UBE log from fat client

Below is the typical steps of capturing UBE log from fat client :

R10211B_IGB0005_xxxxx_PDF.jde.log & 
R10211B_IGB0005_xxxxx_PDF.jdedebug.log (level 6) 

E1: FIN: How to Turn on Logging for UBE submitted on Enterprise server from fat/web client In EnterpriseOne (Doc ID 1542863.1) 

Steps for logging: 
1. Inquire upon the report name in Batch Versions and select the version to be submitted on server. 
2. On Version Prompting screen, select the Form Exit - Advanced to go to Advanced Prompting screen. 
3. Check the option for Logging & Tracing and set UBE Logging Level = 6. Click Ok to go back to the Version Prompting screen. 
4. Specify Data Selection/Data Sequencing (if any) and review the Processing option values and submit the batch. 

Retrieve UBE Log: 
5. In Batch Versions, select Form Exit - Submitted Jobs 
6. Select the grid record for the submitted job and Row Exit - View Logs 
7. Check jde.log box and click Ok to save th eR10211B_IGB0005_xxxxx_PDF.jde.log file to a desired location. 
8. Select the grid record for the submitted job and Row Exit - View Logs 
9. Check jdedebug.log box and click Ok to save the R10211B_IGB0005_xxxxx_PDF.jdedebug.log file to a desired location. 
10. In case of logs greater than 2MB, it would be recommended to retrieve and copy the file directly from the PrintQueue folder on the Enterprise Server rather than downloading it from work with Submitted Jobs, since it may become truncated. 

-------------------------- Provided by Oracle-----------------------------

Hope that helps...

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